
Welcome to my corner of the internet! My name is René Mellema and this is my personal site, where you can find my blog, my projects and other stuff I decided to upload here.

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  • A new blog

    Welcome to my new blog! I just uploaded this website, which is the default Jekyll layout with a few changes. The sources can be found on my github acount, and there is a lot I still need to fix. For example, there is only one style for all the navbar like constructs, which is kinda ugly.

    Ayway, introductions. My name is René Mellema, and I’m a student of the Bachelor Artificial Intelligence at the Universtity of Groningen. I hope to finish this study in July, so I can start with the Masters programma in September.

    On this blog I will probably write about my projects, which can be in Lua, Python, Haskell, C, Java or Common Lisp, depending on the task and the language I fell like using. The projects will probably be related to my courses or tools that I require for whatever I’m doing now.

    I hope you enjoy reading my blog, and if you have any comments or remarks, feel free to contact me! Contact details can be found in the footer of this website.

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